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"Indication and treatment of adult kyphoscoliosis"

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Training level 3

The INTRAKS- study (Indication and treatment of adult kyphoscoliosis) is a prospective/real time study of adult patients treated for deformity (kyphosis/scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis) of the spine with non-surgical or surgical treatment in Haukeland/Bergen, Ullevål/Oslo in Norway, in Malmö and Örebro in Sweden and Kyoto in Japan during the coming 2-3 years. We will include 150 patients for non-surgical treatment and 150 for surgical treatment. The most common reasons for deformity in adulthood are; degeneration, prior surgery and fractures. We will analyze the group as total and in subgroups (kyphosis, scoliosis, fractures) with the help of patient reported outcome measures (PROM) at baseline and 12 months including CT, MRI and full length x-ray at baseline and full length x- ray at 12 months.

The study is a prospective observational effectiveness study trying to show the superiority of a treatment to another (surgical vs nonsurgical). Results will be disseminated via publications in general journals and in more specific spine and imaging journals and at conferences.

The study will contribute to real-world knowledge of the treatment of kyphoscoliosis and may contribute to improved clinical decision making for the patient groups.



Austevoll, Ivar

Fure, Marit

Hansen, Vinjar Brenna

Hellum, Christian

Ikeda, Norimasa

Otsuki, Bungo

Röhrl, Stephan M.

Shimizu, Takayoshi

Sigmundsson, Freyr Gauti

Strömqvist, Fredrik

Tsukanaka, Masako



Marte Traae Magnusson

Maria V. Rieber-Mohn

Ellen Terese Nilsen

Translated in to Japanese 

Kumiko Yasuda-Mocek

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