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For the surgeon/kirurg/外科医/Investigator

Non-surgical patients


>25 years of age

>20 degree of correction

>30% ODI

3 Months
12 Months
Flowchart non surgical WP2.PNG


  • Do not want to participate and not able to answer PROMs

  • Acute fractures

  • Disc prosthesis

  • Neuromuschular cause of deformity (we include Parkinson patients)

  • Activ infection or malignancy

  • Ideopatic scoliosis with typical add on (we include those that have <20 degrees of scoliosis at Risser 5 and/or the scoliosis increase in age due to degeneration). If unknown, the patient will be included as a de novo scoliosis

Skjermbilde 2019-11-15 kl. 11.24.42.png
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